
Showing posts from July, 2024

Science and Drama... What!?: A Reflection

So, I am that rare and wonderful combination of a science and drama teacher. Yes, I know it is a unique combination, in fact, I am the only person in my 15+ years of teaching and working in education I have found / know of that teaches that specific combination of subjects.  But I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to teach these two contrasting subjects. No only have I been able to build two unique skill sets and teaching styles that I have been able to blend together and utilizes in multiple facets of my education career both in and out of the class room. But it allowed me to see students in different environments and lights, both in the more academic and more creative environments. So, below are some of, what I feel, are the core lessons and takeaways from this unique experience. 1. Two Practical Subjects: Both Science and Drama at their core are practical subjects. This provide a interesting opportunity to compare and reflex on the approaches to these. Science practicals fo